Saturday 15 July 2017

 collected by tewo : (

The grieving families of two California teens who committed suicide in April just days after watching Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” said the show acted as a trigger for their daughters. Bella Herndon, who was three days shy of 16, and Priscilla Chui, who had battled depression and struggled in school, did not know each other, but had watched the show at around the same time and died four days apart.     teenage preventing

Water : Human body's major component   collected by tewo : (
On average, the body of an adult human being contains 60% water. Most of the water in the human body is contained inside our cells.
In fact, our billions of cells must have water to live.
The total amount of water in our body is found in three main locations: within our cells (two-thirds of the water), in the space between our cells and in our blood (one-third of the water). For example, a 70-kg man is made up of about 42L of total water. in 
28 liters is intracellular water
 14L is found in extracellular fluid of which
 3L is blood plasma,
 1L is the transcellular fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, ocular, pleural, peritoneal and synovial fluids)
 10L is the interstitial fluid (including lymph), which is an aqueous medium surrounding cells. (1)

Actually, the amount of water a body contains varies according to certain contexts: The body of a newborn is composed of more water (75%) than that of an elderly person (50%). 

for more information refer to the following link: How much water is in our Body

Why do we really need to drink 1.5 L/8 glasses (*) a day?
Water is essential and vital to human life and involved in practically all functions of the human body. Water inputs should match water outputs. Plain water should be THE choice for daily hydration as part of a healthy lifestyle.
(*)Glass of 200ml for a healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate climate.

Foods and beverages both contribute to total water intake. Nevertheless, the water that we get from food is not sufficient to maintain the water balance (Jequier, 2010). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that intake of water is predominantly through consumption of drinking water and beverages (80%) plus water contained in food (20%) - EFSA, 2010.
On average, a healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate climate needs to drink 1.5L a day (Jequier, 2010)(**).
Recommendations such as drink 8 glasses (*)/times of water a day, aim at providing easy guidance for consumers to follow in order to reach the daily recommended intake of water.
Juices or sugar-sweetened beverages can be drunk occasionally but not all day long for daily hydration purposes as they add calories, which may impact health when over consumed. As water has zero sugar and no calories, water should be THE choice for healthier hydration.
(*) Glass of 200ml for a healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate climate
(**) For an adult basis (Jequier,, 2010 - Department of Physiology, University of Lausanne, Pully, Switzerland)

infography new born adult senior percentage of water in the body

Friday 14 July 2017

ቱርስም በ ኢትዮጵያ አያደገ መጥተዋል ማስተዋወቅ አለብን ።

ቱርስም በ ኢትዮጵያ አያደገ መጥተዋል ማስተዋወቅ  አለብን ። 
collected by tewo : (

You'd probably guess somewhere such as Spain, Thailand or Italy. But the accolade of world's best tourism destination has gone to Ethiopia. Find out why.


ETHIOPIA-AKSUM -iron-age-kingdom OF AFRICA


collected by tewo : (

ፈፀጋ ንምንታይ ይፅልም ? ከመይከ ትከላከሎ ?

አብ ገትፅና ዝወፀአ ፈፀጋ ቢከመይ ንከላከሎ  collected by tewo : (

8 Bad Habits That Are Clogging Your Pores (collected by Tewo)
If you have oversized pores, your genes are only partly to blame. That means nixing these bad habits will help those babies start to disappear.
1.0       Smoking ( ሲጋራ ምስታይ ምቁራፅ ወይ ዘይምጀማር )

If gobs of evidence on the health dangers of smoking haven't yet convinced you to kick butt, perhaps vanity will be the motivation you've been looking for. According to a report in the British Journal of Dermatology, smokers are four times as likely to suffer from adult acne as non-smokers. Of the 1,000 participants, women between the ages of 25 and 50, 42 percent of smokers had acne, while only 10 percent of non-smokers showed any signs of adult acne. Doctors have long known that smoking severely damages skin by weakening its elasticity, along with a slew of other negative effects. This study suggests that cigarette smoke may also clog pores, which contributes to acne. Check out the mind-blowing ways your body starts to heal after you quit smoking
2.0       Sleeping on dirty sheets (አንሶላና በ ብ ሰሙን ንህፀብ) 

Conventional wisdom dictates washing your sheets weekly, but if you've got clogged pores, you might want to do it more often. Pillowcases and bed sheets can easily harbor a buildup of oil, dirt, and dead skin, which transfers back to your skin at night, clogging pores and causing blemishes. "You want your sheets to be clean and not clogging your pores," says Samer Jaber, MD, of Washington Square Dermatology. "Washing bed sheets can make a difference, especially if you are a sweater." Consider switching out your pillowcase at the very least, at least every three days. Use these laundry hacks to make it faster and easier.

   Touching your face all day( ገፅና ብረሳህ ኢድና አንሐዝ  )

"Touching your face regularly can trigger acne through the spread of the P. acnes bacteria," Dr. Jaber says. On an average day, we touch countless germ-ridden objects and materials: cash, sink handles, public transportation surfaces, handrails, doorknobs, and the list goes on. (These are among the germiest items you touch on a daily basis.) By touching your face throughout the day, you are transferring the many bacteria, viruses, oils, allergens, and impurities from your hands to your skin, which can clog your pores. The best way to combat this bad habit is to compulsively sanitize your hands, and ask friends to point out when you touch your face so you can start to kick the habit.

3.0      Sunbathing ( እዝ ፀገም ተለና ቡዝሁ አብ ፀሐይ አይንፀሎ )

We're a long way from slathering on baby oil for a tropical bronzing, but soaking up the rays in any capacity will clog your pores. "Sun tanning and resultant sun damage can worsen pores, as the sun can damage the surrounding skin tissues, making the pores appear larger," Dr. Jaber says. To make matters worse, many sunscreens are comedogenic (pore-blocking), which is the ultimate beauty catch-22. So on top of reducing sun exposure, it's important to choose the right sunscreen. Chemical sunscreens can irritate skin, while mineral sunscreens can sit atop the skin and clog pores. The best sunscreens are lightweight and have zinc and titanium dioxide as active ingredients. (We're loving Color science Daily UV Protector SPF 30 Whipped Mineral Sunscreen, which blocks harmful UVA and UVB rays as well as environmental aggressors using zinc and titanium dioxide, plus it has a universal tint that doubles as foundation.) Here's what the labels on your sunscreen really mean.

Talking on the phone ( ቴሌፎን አብገፅና አላግብና ቡዝሁ አይንዛረብ )

If you regularly have a phone screen glued to your face, you may notice localized breakouts on your cheeks, along the sides of your face. Phones are exceptionally filthy, collecting makeup, dirt, oil, and bacteria from any surface they come into contact with (think of the tables and chairs they're set on, plus the germs they mingle with in purses and pockets). To avoid clogging your pores every time you talk on the phone, switch to a hands-free device or wipe down the screen before each use or at least daily


Wearing makeup during a workout ( ብተደጋጋሚ ሜክአፕ ዘይምጥቃም )

Sweating is your body's natural method of cooling your skin, and wearing makeup can trap sweat and bacteria, blocking your pores. This can result in skin congestion, which can cause blackheads, skin irritation, and increased breakouts," says Dr. Jaber. "Over time, if you repeatedly wear heavy gym makeup, you may notice that you develop worsening acne and uneven skin tone on your face." No matter how gorgeous you want to look during your spin or yoga class, it's not worth clogging your pores. You can melt off makeup super quickly, like while you're walking from the dressing room to the fitness studio, with makeup-removing wipes such as The Body Shop Tea Tree Cleansing Wipes, with tea tree oil, which is a natural disinfectant. Read more about how bad it is to wear makeup at the gym.

Picking at blemishes ( ፈፅጋ ብኢድካ ዘይምትንካፍ ) 

This can be a vicious cycle: You compulsively pick at your blemishes in an effort to remove them, which in turn causes even more blemishes. By picking at every little bump and zit, you are contributing to skin inflammation and irritation, which greatly affects pore size in the long run. Further, the squeezing and stretching of skin makes the transfer of impurities from your hands highly likely, which will of course clog pores. Though it's easier said than done, it's important that you find a way to resist the temptation to pick at your skin, and instead use a spot treatment to rid of any blemishes. (We love MD Complete Skin Clearing Acne Breakout Treatment, with zit-zapping benzoyl peroxide and soothing natural botanicals.)
free, non-comedogenic moisturizer and in the morning, add an SPF. 

Thursday 13 July 2017

ንአና ዝሕሸና ዝነግረና ሰብ ዘሎ አይመስለንን::

ንአና ዝሕሸና ዝነግረና ሰብ ዘሎ አይመስለንን::

ንሕና ናይ  ምምራፅ ጥራህ ዘይኮነስ ናይ ምምርአፅ  መሰል ክወሃበና አሎዎ  !  
ማርትህን ሉትሄር ኪንግ  ከምዝበሎ :"
In the End We will Remember not The Words of our Enemies but the silence of our friends" 
ንመርትሶም ሰናት ብትኽክል ከግልግሉና ኣለዎን። ተዘይኮይኑ ኣብዝኾነ አዋን ክንዉርዶም ከምዝካል ኣለዎ:።  

Tuesday 11 July 2017

the machine of the Refugees  collected by tewo : (

if this cannot be a message to the World community especially to African leaders and their real supporters and stake holders, so that they can be part of it and take serious measures to curb this free willing Apartheid or slavery , which is partly the result of colonialism and cycle of conflicts in the developing world.
whom is going to be responsible then if the door  to Europe will not be any more open, they will knock you back at Home-----or even knock further with a serious of consequences.!