Tuesday 28 February 2017

Conflict.generated Diasporas

  Ethiopian in Diaspora WHY BARKING  LIKE DOGS VIDEO

In my short Blog, Ethiopian in Diaspora, I am trying to focus in the activities of my land of origin Ethiopia and my living country Germany Vis a vis all Ethiopian in the Diaspora.

 Ethiopia has a lot to learn from Germany. From Judiciary system to the Federal level, from the social Aspects to the Educational curriculums. Etc. as always. This is my view.

"Globalization has shaped how processes of migration, exile, and the formation of diaspora and other transnational networks operate. By decreasing communication and travel costs, globalization has made it easier for migrants to form networks that link geographically distant populations to social, political, and economic developments in the homeland. Those forced across borders by conflict or repression commonly have a specific set of traumatic memories and hence create specific types of “conflict generated Diasporas” that retain highly salient symbolic ties to the homeland. These Diasporas are often mobilized and engaged in homeland politics in ways that shape processes of conflict and democratization. 

Conflict-generated Diasporas – with their origins in violent displacement and their identities linked to symbolically important territory – often play critical roles with regard to political struggles in the homeland. 

.... As recent research has noted that Diaspora groups created by conflict and sustained by traumatic memories tend to compromise less and therefore reinforce and exacerbate conflicts’ protractedness. In some cases, such as the Tamil, Armenian, or segments of the Ethiopian Diasporas.

Conflict-generated Diasporas therefore are often key actors in homeland conflicts and may contribute either to increased polarization or new opportunities for peace. “Terrence Lyons

 In the Ethiopian case let’s have a look to the "New Opportunities for peace" by the Diaspora, let me ignore for the time being the contribution of most Diasporas to the conflicts in Ethiopia...

So how many of the Diasporas are interested in bringing peace to their Homeland?

What are basic steps to bring peace in the first place? 

According to my understanding:

1.0 Accepting the Rule of law and Respecting the Constitution in the Home Country

2.0 Exposing the Miss managements and Corruption by strengthen Civil Servants and non-Political Human Right Activists in the country. Hence promoting Good Governance.

3.0 Supporting the Developmental Activities at home and Opposing Ethiopian Strategic Contenders.

  Instead of being an opportunity for peace, several studies showed that many organized Diasporas are interested to their own policy and regime change in their Home land.  

 The May 2005 elections and the recent mass demonstration in Ethiopia could be taken as the influence played by the Diasporas, in exacerbating the actual problem of the People to instability and bloodshed.  The writer Terrence Lyons, continued to show the role of the Diaspora as follows:

"Globalization and increased human mobility has made politics increasingly transnational with non-resident groups such as Diasporas playing increasingly important roles. The May 2005 elections demonstrate the influence of the Ethiopia diaspora, both in the decision by opposition parties to participate and then in the debates on whether the opposition should take up their seats in Parliament."

so the case paper showed us that the opposition in Ethiopia led by the so called "Kinigit" were in consultation with those Diasporas even to the extent that they had accepted not to take up the seats they had won during the election in 2005 in Addis Ababa. The illegal Money flow to their accounts and hence to the Youth in the streets of Addis is not to be mentioned. They were not intended to share power and bring Stability and Democracy to the people of Ethiopia but to change the regime at any cost. "Regime Change"
....after five years EPRDF had corrected his shortcomings and were elected by the majority and The Opposition are still screaming for not sharing power in the Country.

To me, they were not interested in the first place, except some opposition at home, of course, to share power but to dominate the power and the people like the old Regime. 

 Let’s read the following paragraph, page 6, from the Diaspora and Conflict Societies; by J.M. Brinkerhoff.

"Those Diasporas can effectively work to advance, protect, and embody these rights for themselves and potentially the homeland (Brinkerhoff 2009). Drawing from the cases of Lebanon and Kosovo, Koinova (forthcoming) suggests that the rhetoric of liberal values may also reflect an instrumentalist agenda on the part of diaspora organizations seeking to reinforce their sovereignty aims vis-à-vis the homeland (see also Shain 1999). When a diasporans’ home country is embroiled in conflict, for some, national and homeland identity can become problematic, increasing stress and a sense of marginalization in the country of residence (see, for example, Esman 1986; Cohen 1996). These challenges are, of course, compounded when the diaspora is a result of forced migration. Efforts to proactively promote and recreate particular homeland identities may be more acute in the absence of a physical homeland (see Koslowski 2005); ³” 

To summarize in short, forced migration will enable one to lose his or her identity so in order to be accepted as a refugee, they have to be active in politics to give a reason to their stay in the host country. The innocent Ethiopians will face a big challenge and with or without knowing they will be a prey to the old Diasporas having Nationality or already granted asylum.  

 As a result of either forced migration or by other means, new comer to the US or EU have no other chance than serving the poised Diasporas, hoping to get a paper for Asylum at any price.
(Many Ethiopian Women were forced to sleep with the poised Diasporas for that matter that is why I said at any cost)
Whether to stage Demonstrations or contributing Money, Mobilizing even their Families at home against their Government.
 I know very well what i am writing about but that is True of the opposition Diasporas you watch them on the screen on ESAT) shameless Dia-SPORA!
 Even the case study you referred above have supported what I have personally observed.
Any Comment: - nathnahom@gmail.com

² Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA
³jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, George washington University, Washington, USA.

Conflict generated Diasporas


The dog family that howls together, stays together.

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