Tuesday 4 April 2017

Fact ist the present day Ethiopia might never have existed to its Ethiopian-ism...I don't know if this Word Existed? with out Aste Yohanes and his Generals. But not to be far from the Truth ,that might had been too hard and even now unbelievable Heroism to think about it how they had fought! looking back to that critical time that had been un imaginable hard for Africans and others who had no power to resist colonizers . But During this period in our History , when the industrial revolution in Europe acquired and boosted the Colonizers , no one could have resisted and again defeat the intruders either the ottoman Turk and Egyptians or Italians and Durbushes! Period. If not for Alula Abanega! So who fought more battles and pushed back and annihilated Enemies , ?? wasn't it witnessed by the Enemy themselves as AlulaAba Nega ???? Yap! Our Hero! but I didn't know ,? since then time might have existed Fake news and still told by some Chauvinists for personal and political consumption . If professor Dr Richard Pancreas , an Ethiopian Historian has to give the Name Alu la to his First child , to me That is the End of the Story!!! He knew why He chose that Name than the others! The Passt History is however , I think belongs to all of us , and in their times some did good others did nothing or bad , it is now all passed but for their sovereignty they had stud altogether in the battle of Adwa in 1896 exactly 121 years ago! However,I am not blaming those of our Heroine and Heros but the spoiled Generation after them, including my self.

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