Monday 1 May 2017

Access of Clean Water Distribution in Ethiopia

 It can't be simply joked ? One of the reasons why the spoiled Diasporas don't believe the reality on the ground in Tigray is one due to the irresponsible statistical Data about Tigray ? The Data with schools could be acceptable like in other Regions but not with Hospitals , infrastructure or clean Water coverage or student performances ... I don't understand what the message behind this false statics could be? This can affect the over all Budgetary and planning system of the Region. If you are the Best then the minimal resource they have either from NGO or Federal Gov. should be given to the others who lag behind. As NGO I would never go to fetch water in Tigray if I have this Data in mind. I would have said , OMG they are doing Excellent Job so I have to go somewhere where they have problems through which I can convince my Fund raiser or helper .... I don't understand what is going on there .???...I my self have seen the shortage of water in Tigray cities last year.! So what can we say we do hope they will consider it seriously to see if f that is really True and learn from such mistakes?
Adios Have a nice day 👍🏾


Access to improved and un improved water resources in Ethiopia

Accest to water in Ethiopia -2015
Investment per person
Global Water Initiative East Africa
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