Monday 16 October 2017



Isn't it a paradox when some OPDO supporters or affiliates forgot the caring and sacrificed Tigray youths for their present day well being??? And they used the same techniques to challenge us as if we are their Enemies! Wasn't it for the OLF the oldest Guerilla fighter yet unsuccessful in our History now modified or adjusted by Fanatic Activities like Jauwhar Mohammad And his Fanatics just lucky to see a light and respect in Ethiopia only in the past 25 years? How dare TPLF to disrespect Oromo people? Is house speaker now talking about disrespect of his people? Who is respect lose in the first place ?? We in the Tigray have learned to Respect even our enemies to the maximum standard! We neither joke on a failure of others or way of life of Oromos, Amhara, Gurage nor undermine, ignored, insult those people! Who are the insulting people? We are not!!!!!

1 comment:

ድምጽና ይሰማዕ said...

from a contributor, please send your Name when you post in the blog please!