Monday 11 December 2017

ፎረም 65፦ Dr. Tsegay ም ን ድ ነ ው የ ሚ ፈ ል ገ ው አ ል ገ ባ ኝ ም ? ኦልፍ ፣ ኦብነግ መኖር ነበረባቸው?


ም ን ድ ነ ው የ ሚ ፈ ል ገ ው አ ል ገ ባ ኝ ም ? ኦልፍ ፣ ኦብነግ መኖር ነበረባቸው?
there are important points to learn from Dr Tsegaye but the situation Ethiopia had found and the struggle for freedom and national struggle were not addressed and i wounder if apart from his research Book, how his idea could have been in practice at that time, and his research is based on the past process not before 25 years as he has found very simple to explain in his interview now! if we could'n pass through these processes, that we have faced and now are still challenging the country, which i think is the natural out come of the ongoing dynamics in the economical and political arena of the Country. I would say the face changing dynamism which was initiated by TPLF themselves couldn't simply taken as a strategy to destroy the country in the name of nations and nationalities? the late PM. Meles Zenawi. who worked day and night for the present day Ethiopia so to ignore the sacrificed paid to build the present day Ethiopia is even Moraly unacceptable. and his defend to the Derg Junta which has lost all battlefields was a conspiracy theory?  the Tigray people has the least beneficiary of the Developmental and Democratic changes in Ethiopia which was not adressed again by Dr. Tsegaye. But it is worth to better buy the book and read the details than his short interview here. Tewo

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