Tuesday 29 August 2017

A moment of truth for the historical ethiopian province Gondar.

my Message To Alemu wasse,
i remember as a child when we joked about you! we were saying " Alemu wasse has started the war in Irak" every morning we were waiting for your report with Enthusiasm!. The Technic of your Report was so attractive, since then and still now it is attractive. But your reports from America seem to me , you are working for the main stream medias , Corporates or other Political Organizations or for Money. So i lost your facts on the Ground and i ask my self now if your reports which We ( with many of my friends) had admired as Young Boys were based on facts or were simply News taken from other Reporters. The mistake about the map taken from Internet, and aired by EBC was unprofessional. (The map itself was prepared by some of the oppositions , it was a Fantasied map used for Propaganda,) and i don't have a word for this sabotaged EBC News mostly Hijacked from in side contenders working with in it, but as an Experience journalist, Alemu, should know that this map have not to be a reason to accuse the Tigrean leadership Verses Tigray ???. I think you had a good experience in reporting News but Why do you want to instigate conflicts among us if you are thinking , as it is in your report, for the poor Ethiopians? Why do you try cornering the people of Tigray as none Ethiopian ? or privileged ? by which measurements? Do you know how the Tigrean people are still suffering with lack of Hospitals, Transport and fund if not worse than other parts of Ethiopia? but , the people is fighting against those corrupted officials and will fight them till order and Good Government prevails ! but in his fighting against them , they don't burn infrastructures and compromise his countries interest with Ethiopian Enemies,, that make us different from some of you, in the diaspora. I come back now to the point: While the Awarding body clearly put it in its Head Line "Ethiopia Wins Gold" before you go in to the details to Tigray region? but Alemu ignore deliberately this fact and talk as only Tigray was named and other Ethiopians as were victimized as a result of unfair administration. Why is Good News about Tigray always bad news to you? What so ever your reasoning might be the people of Tigray is aware of your tricks and Games ! and we are not ready to play or join you in such Dirty Games.

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