Friday 22 September 2017

who is Kudus Yared , and who is this Genius Man?:

who is Saint Yared of Ethiopia and what do we know about others

Do any of us know about the: The Afropean ( Afro European) Musical Genius 1778-1860. but we had a musical Genius in the 4th Century. In Axum, Ethiopia. How many of you know this songwriter Know to us as the yard Zema... but the world has still kept its silence to it. But who about Amadeus Mozart or Bach and others? who was the first songwriter in the world? please help us understand the history of music and song ... you would never found Saint Yared Ethiopian Church Songwriter till recently, 19 th century Books, but why? The Answer is we have to write our History by ourselves, it is not the responsibility of others to do so for us in the first place but what we had learned in the school curriculum is catastrophic, as an independent nation our History is still fully undocumented! Help yourself by keeping your own History transferring into your children from where ever you are. Even transferring a picture, pieces of paper telling your undocumented past history.
by Tewoo


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