Friday 22 September 2017

Let the Dogs bark but (OUR DOGs not only barks)

Let the Dogs bark but  (OUR DOGs not only barks)

To me let the Dog barks ... won’t be a problem and I am sure there are good Planners and Experienced Economists in the Country but what we are lacking is a personal effect, a Motor like that of Meles’s.
 It is not only his charisma but his ability was evidently clear to many of us after his death!
His ability to see things in detail and forecast what will be happening and what is going on around the world and put a strategy that fits in with our context, into effect in spite of all the challenges he had had. Now when I see back where and to which part of the country he was focusing, it shows to me his Brilliant vision of Ethiopia.  He was focusing on those parts of the People in Ethiopia that needs to be transformed rapidly through the building of higher Institutions, infrastructures, and other developmental activities though we in Tigray felt missing so many unaccomplished developmental activities in comparison, that is true still now! But he might have put priorities as such what to do first? Where, how and whom to face first? When and how including punishing the Rent seekers at the Right time on one side and expanding the developmental projects on the other side.
 To me, though he had worked hard day and night, he had not enough time to deal with those Rent seekers and non-democrats in the Country and in his own EPRDF party.
So a plan alone doesn't Guarantee Rapid Growth.
It is not to compare Meles with others but we need leaders even better than Meles who are committed to the interest of people and the Country at large, the country I think is in apposition to pay more and must secure the wellbeing of its leaders who are committed working day and night, leaders who are ready to sacrifice their everything for the vision to which you are addressing.
 A leader who understands the sources of conflicts before it erupts and a leader who can undertake clear and tough measures when it is necessary.
A leader who understands the interest of the people and his country.
A leader who challenges foreign powers with his Knowledge and a clear strategy of cooperation and self-reliance.
 If I can understand these simple facts why is that difficult to do more than the obvious facts to those who are in the Position of Responsibility in Ethiopia?  Of course, there are so many improvements and good deeds but there are still holes and roughs which are results of political immaturity in some regional states in the Country.
There must not be other reasons why Our Sisters and Brothers have sacrificed their precious lives if it should not be for our wellbeing?
Any Ethiopian with this potential of commitment could be a leader and this is what we need to reach the Big  Goals even in a short period of time irrespective of those who are barking at us! But if our leaders are not to answer the possible once and addresses or acknowledges the impossible once to the suffering of the people, the barking at us can't be simply ignored.

Tewoo  22/09/2017 Leipzig

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