Tuesday 25 December 2018

  • Work of opposition Diasporas plus EPRDF Traitors :- by Sofomorwasha

  • There was some quality in their news when they come to oppose the Ethiopian Regime to which they have a role but full of lies regarding Tegarus and TPLF in their news! You may wonder why? If indeed they were serious to correct the behavior of any party or group of people, there was another means of conducting their news Broadcast but that was not surprising to many again when they black mail or target only TPLF out of EPRDF as a party or Tegarus out of All Ethiopians as a people?
  • That was becoming a trend or means of struggle!!  The opposition Medias like ESAT and OMN were enjoying with fresh News sources from secret EPRDF meetings, conferences, Military operations, upcoming scheduled meetings etc. The big lie was, they said, it was hacked News? But they got it from the Lemma - Dr. Abyi Teams and The ANDEM infiltrates. So the propaganda News with more or less some facts on their space and on the ground let’s say 20% real News but the rest 80% was a smirked and systematic propaganda News and analysis to targeted groups with one voice every day so that it would be taken as serious Factual news ! 
  • There would be off -course to be noticed some tricks in their news for those who wanted to rethink what was going on again and again but couldn't shadows the massive propaganda news. Take RT and others channels in the US which are labelled as Fake News but they have influenced the public to the extent that western medias were challenged! 
  • As a result the US has taken a step to stop the challenge by picking a card "election meddling" it was a pretext to exert a max pressure on RT America and registered it as foreign media out let. 
  • It is only because they knew the consequences of Media Power as they used it themselves against other countries by supporting fake News and propaganda out lets for their own political and economic interests, say it in during the Soviet times and recently in Ukraine and other Countries! So when it came to them they use a law against the press freedom to which they pretend to stand for! 
  • So the same thing was practiced in Ethiopia to single out TPLF and Tegarus by the Jawharian (OMN) Kerroo movements in conjunction with camouflaged  OPDO -EPRDF ( Lema -Abyi Team )  as backers and G7- ESAT , Fano Movements hand to hand with ( Gedu-Demeke Team ) and all directly or indirectly supported by Shabiya- Isayas and Egypt security forces . The result was immediately obvious in their intimate friendship agreements behind doors with Eritrea Isayas and ISIS-Egypt, after the Tricky Power took over by Dr. Abyi and his teams.
  • They were using the same media propaganda technique to influence the public either with ESAT or OMN and other social Medias. And now again doing the same in using even the Public Medias like ETV, Fana and Walta Broad casts in addition to the Diasporas supporter Medias  just to target only  and only TPLF and the Tigray people! I will not put here the inquiry?  Why if you asked me why? “It was very simple to do that, "say media experts! “Lie Big First First, Repeat , Identify , Exaggerate, single out and Target that group with propaganda news every day and night! “The people will consider it then as true news in time. THE LIE FIRST CONCEPT HAD WORKED!
  • If you don't have military power to change any Government, that was the only technique in the 21th century to adopt and use it systematically to raise the Public for REGIME CHANGE!  (By the way shabiya had tried for MANY years to single out Tigray and TPLF for its own interest from Ethiopia but weren't successful.  Shabiya and others were successful when they got Ethiopians for their common mission to work under the same umbrella , with Ethiopia oppositions, like the G.7 and others .But worst of all was the EPRDF Traitors who were working in camouflage and deliberately ignoring to serve Ethiopians and even working in the name of EPRDF to damage the image of EPRDF for they Knew many Ethiopians would held TPLF  paradoxically responsible for all the bad Governance, Miss Management, Corruption, Imprisonment each evil doings in the Country from North to South  and West to East!  But all said now "it was part of the struggle since 8 years.”  Lema Megerssa! ODP higher official and President of the state of Oromiya! In his recent address to the Abaggedas ...as reported by TV-Fana!

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