Tuesday 25 December 2018

Ethiopia-Market-Overview by US Government

Over the last decade, Ethiopia has had one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with average annual growth rates ranging from 7% to 12% (depending on data sources). In 2017, Ethiopia’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded by 10.9 percent, and is expected to grow by 8.5%, according to the World Bank. 

" the new leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Government plans to privatize leading state-owned enterprises, announced in June 2018, signal a greater openness to market based reforms and a new flexibility to policymaking. The acute foreign exchange shortage remains the leading challenge for U.S. suppliers, for which there is no quick fix.
Many U.S. companies based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) do business in Ethiopia, using Dubai as an intermediary export platform due to proximity and availability of reliable air shipping and air services

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