Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Ethiopian Human Rights Report on the killings


They are doing that , day in and day out. 
Can any one of you understand what is going on over there?  Even one of the senator during the hearings was asking for a regime change in Ethiopia !  Witnesses were given by Ethiopian opposition living in the US ! Any way due to the lack of credible or strong opposition they said it would be hard to push to regime change in Ethiopia!  But they will go a head for  another resolution to condemn Ethiopia or  with hold the Humanitarian assistance the USA will pledge to us!
But the Question of regime change that was not even raised to the Isaias Dictatorship but to Ethiopia why? A country which is struggling to alleviate the poverty that had been neglected for 100 years and at the same time commuted to the Democratization processes Verses security and stability in the Difficult and dangerous geopolitical Horn of Africa , by itself the Q of regime change that was raised, is a head ache to me!  And I would  respond to the congress man Mr. Smith , as follows: You can keep your Humanitarian assistant but don't  try even to think about any Regime change like that of in Irak or Libya in Ethiopia!!! Adios ! Tewolde !

Further links about Human Rights report on Ethiopia:-

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